Sophia Loren has that classic timeless Italian beauty! I love her voice! There are not enough Italian movies.......the ones she is in I adore! She has strength and courage and drive.

Breakfast At Tiffany's is my favorite with Audrey Hepburn. I believe it is the only one I saw. It is a must see! I love how she just goes through life without a care in the world it seems. Her style in this movie is absolutely fabulous!

I first fell in love with Marilyn Monroe movies when I saw my dad watching one of her movies. I was hooked!! When I was in grade school and we had to do reports I always choose Marilyn. My room was covered with her posters. I collect books, name it! My faves are Some Like It Hot, Gentlemen Prefer Blonds and the Seven Year Itch. She was very vulnerable, something we can all relate to at one time or another.

These women have always grabbed me. There charisma, style, strengths, ambitions and weaknesses all are inspiring.
My current favorite actress is Angelina Jolie. She harness classic and edge! Two of my favorite movies from her are Girl Interrupted and Changeling. I feel that she will go down in history as a classic like the ladies above. I love that she is edgy. To me the classic actress are classic, pure and that is great! But with Angelina Jolie I feel she has what it takes to go down in history as a classic actress even though she has that edginess.
Her role as Christina Collins was played great! The demeanor she portrayed was great. I could not be that calm in that situation. I am assuming that is how she handled it since it was based on a true story. Women back then showed amazing courage, strength and poise. When I watch this movie I realize many things..most of all courage, persistence, professionalism and hope.
Love this hat!!
