This vintage purse is a gift for my step mother in law........maybe. I LOVE it and may keep it if I do not find anything else to get her. I love vintage purses!!!
I love jewelry. I make my own, but I cannot pass up estate sale jewelry. I just love things that have a history. I much rather wear something that belonged to someone to keep their memory alive. In my family, I am the keeper of the memories. I have all the old pictures from the 70's, certain things from the past that no one really wants...trinkets etc. I keep it, because I feel the memory of the dead is alive in the living.
The palm tree bracelet is sterling silver. It was $18 but today everything was half off!! I got it because I am going to Florida and this is the perfect bracelet!! The broach speaks for itself for me!! The necklace, I love it. Two pearls and the clasp has details with dangles...that is what I do to my clasps, add dangles or charms.
OMG, I kept walking by the bathroom and saw the waste basket and toilet holder. It is soooo retro 60's/70's. I don't think it was for sale, but she tagged it for me...$5. LOVE IT!!!