Tuesday, June 1, 2010

My Interview

I am currently working on an article for our Bead Society. I am the newsletter editor and I decided to pay tribute to a member and local artist who recently opened her shop. I feel that local artists do not get recognized enough if at all.

I feel that as artists, we often get into rutts and wonder if anyone else gets like this and how to get out of it. One of my questions to Tammy was "What inspires you? Here is an excerpt:

What most inspires you?

Nature, water. I love solitude and quiet. My office/studio looks out over the Sarah Creek and York River. I get to watch the Heron feed, red wing black birds nest ,boats coming and going and the wonderful sunsets. Almost everything comes from this. I recently took Kat Allison and Cindy Yost’s class at Art and Soul, a new medium for me. The energy from other artists gives us so much and renews us from day to day chores. I will go into my studio late at night, when no one is around. This seems to be the most valuable time for me to put things into action. I always look at other artist’s work. I do not copy their designs, but I carry a sketchbook in my purse and take notes or draw out my interpretation of the concept

I love her answer on this, because I believe we all pull energy and inspirations from other people. People and our daily surroundings are great sources. If we carry a sketchbook or a journal with us, we can capture life's moments at any given time.

Sometimes we just have to stop and take in what is around us and breath........


  1. it is true that we must find our inspiration from other artists--even seeing the design of nature as art that inspires. it all works as input for our personal visions.

    love your reading list for summer--artist's way(awesome) and judy blume!!! i read summer sisters twice!! it was like returning to my childhood in many ways.

  2. OMG! I feel the same way when I read Summer Sisters! I think I will grab it and head over to the beach and start reading it again. Thanks for the comment, :)
