Thursday, October 14, 2010

Just Do It!

That is my favorite slogan.....Just Do It. How motivational. This came into my email and I thought I'd share it. It is pretty good advise:

There will always be a reason not to do something.


(Given our natural talent for rationalizing, there will probably be far more than one.)

There will always be a reason you shouldn't change jobs. There will always be a reason you shouldn't start a business. There will always be a reason you shouldn't go to New York to attend art school.


So you have a choice.

You can wait until you no longer have a reason to avoid making an uncomfortable change (which isn't going to happen) or you can accept that your mind will always conjure up a reason why you need to play it safe and you can stop listening.

It's not an easy choice. Most people opt for the comfort of the routine. Sure, they'd like to make a shift, but that's scary. Better to stay snug in the same old pattern.

More comfortable? Possibly. But certainly not the way to live your life.

If you're waiting for that moment when the stars align and you feel 100% confident and comfortable about doing something new, stop.

Please stop.

You'll be waiting for the rest of your life.

Remember: There will always be a reason not to do something.

So do it anyway.

If you want to live your passion..........JUST DO IT!!
