Yesterday the east coast had a 5.8 earthquake. Some areas felt it more than others. I thought someone dropped something heavy on the second floor of the building. Overall no big deal and no one was hurt that I know of. I guess we are getting hit with a hurricane this weekend. Maybe that is why we are having such calm and pretty weather right now.
The weather was beautiful last night. It was breezy and in the 80's. A nice break from the 90+ heat and humidity. After work my husband and I sat outside by our firepit having a few beers.

He made this fire pit by hand, scrolled the legs and everything! The stone is left over tile from our backsplash in our kitchen. We broke it up and put it on top! This patio is off of our original patio area and sits on top of hudge granite slabs. I LOVE IT here. You can take any space in your back yard or porch area and make it unique and beautiful. A far away retreat in your own back yard.
What I usually do every summer is hang skrim off my main patio. Skrim is a gauzy material that is great to hang outdoors. It dries fast and you can see through it. This plant below was not this big in the beginning of the summer. It had a few stems hanging down and now look at it. I almost goes around the whole top area!

The skrim gives the patio area a tropical feeling, perfect for summer nights. It looks great with candles and tiki torches lit at night. I keep it like this well into the fall! :)
Nice to sit outside and have vino as fave drink!
Thank goodness noone was hurt! I love that firepit, it's the best I've ever seen. x